Written by Merry Fidler
The election is important. Now that we’ve done our due diligence, here’s some anxiety-numbing videos that we cherish.
Number One: I Think You Should Leave: The Day That Robert Palins Murdered Me
Thanks to Tim Robinson’s extra specific stream of consciousness song, we know precisely how the skeletons pull your hair.
Number Two: Portlandia: What Is A Garmin?
There are arguably funnier sketches from the indie beloved Portlandia, but this endearing sketch shows the power of a quotable bit. This video has no timely relevance, it doesn’t rely on satire, and you may even be so cynical as to say, “that was a waste of my time.” But don’t be surprised if the next time someone asks for a volunteer you hear a little voice inside saying, “I can do that, I’m a little guy!”
Number Three: Saturday Night Live: Haunted Elevator ft. David S. Pumpkins
David S. Pumpkins first hit the scene a few weeks before the 2016 Presidential Election, so at this extra spooky, extra-political time, the meaninglessness of David S. just feels right. Any questions???
Number Four: Dana Carvey Show: Stupid Pranksters
It’s simple, it’s beautiful, it’s repeatable, it’s gold.
Number Five: Noel Fielding: Jelly Fox
Jelly Fox holds a particularly dear place in the DJM’s heart. The team was on their way back from Laredo, TX. It was the middle of the night in F-you Oklahoma, and everyone was struggling to stay awake. That’s when Double Jump’s CEO introduced the sun-chapped, travel-weary crew to the surreal world of “Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy.” The Jelly Fox is credited with seeing the crew safely home that night. Now, you will likely watch this and be terrified, and you may even think we’re freaks, and that’s fair. But if you EVER speak ill of the Jelly Fox in the presence of a DJM member we’ll force you to star in a version of Apocalypto where everyone’s got toothpaste on their eye.
Extra Special Bonus Sketch: Monty Python: Ministry of Silly Walks
We’d be remiss to not mention the sketch comedy gods that are Monty Python. Adopt a silly walk so when we see you on the street we’ll know you read this to the end.